defy campaign party

Our Collective Impact

Bryn Mawr women are subtle thinkers and bold visionaries; they are mavericks, originals, and firsts.

Anassa Kata!

You donated $301,884,913 to the Defy Expectation Campaign, smashing through our minimum goal of $250 million.

Campaign impact  The Importance of Giving

The collective support of donors and the successful impact of the 10-year Defy Expectation Campaign that ended in 2021 have enabled the College to:

  • establish over 100 new endowed scholarships;
  • continue to meet 100% financial aid for undergraduate students’ demonstrated need; and
  • work to decrease the need for loans to attend Bryn Mawr, including no longer using loans to meet need for students with a total family income of less than $110,000, as well as increasing aid for all need-eligible students.

With your help, Bryn Mawr will continue to transform lives, societies, and the world. Learn more about the impact you have had by watching the videos below.

Our Priorities

Betsy Zubrow Cohen ’63 Donates $5m to the Defy Campaign

The gift will provide critical seed money to fuel Bryn Mawr’s data science aspirations.

For Linda Friedrich '89, it's because Bryn Mawr taught her to make connections across divides.

I was compelled by a classmate to make my first stretch gift to Bryn Mawr, because I understood the importance of supporting the College that shaped who I am...

Severa von Wentzel '95 tells us why Bryn Mawr is a focus of her time and philanthropy

During the itinerant fluidity of my twenties, I benefited from the meaningful downstream effects of my Bryn Mawr education and its reputation when applying to graduate schools and for jobs.


Contact Us

Alumnae/i Relations and Development

101 North Merion Avenue
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
Phone: 610-526-5532
Fax: 610-526-5228